UIS Field Value Codes (English) - Draft

This version generated on 24-Jan-2009

This page shows the proposed numeric codes and their meanings in English for those fields whose data values are taken from a fixed vocabulary of terms. It is part of the ongoing repository of cave and karst data fields and their definitions proposed by the International Union of Speleology (UIS). This is part of the UIS Informatics Commission (UISIC) project to facilitate data analysis/comparison/exchange between different cave/karst databases. See Cave Data Exchange Proposal. Examples of use of the fields in actual database table structures is shown on the table pages, and for a real-world example, see the Australian Speleological Federation's online Australian Karst Index national cave/karst database.

Discussion and final acceptance of the codes and definitions will be via the Commission's CaveData forum in due course. However in the meantime, your comments and suggestions are very welcome.

The codes represent factual data about caves and karst features. They are (1) codes, and (2) numeric, so that they are independent of any spoken language. A side-benefit is that they are very compact for storage and transfer. This is the current list. Many more codes can be added of course.

Here the codes have been translated into English for the field definition discussions. When the values have been agreed in English, then we can work on translating the resulting master list into other languages. For example, we have a preliminary German version of the original draft codes.

When used in a cave database program, these codes would be automatically translated on the screen into the chosen language.

The codes and definitions below are arranged in Field ID (FID) order. The FID and field name are shown first, followed by any fixed text(s) which could be used around or between the values when they are printed out or displayed, and then the codes themselves are listed.

They are normally accessed via the 'Codes' link on the Field Definitions page. However if you already know the FID or the fieldname, you can use your browser's text search facility (<Ctrl-F>) on this page, or you can also go straight to the field by adding #fid to the URL in your browser's address window and pressing <Return>.

[ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

1 : Karst feature type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    entrance

04    arch

06    bridge

08    blind valley

10    cenote

12    doline

13    group

14    hole

15    karren

16    karst cone

18    karst tower

20    karst window

22    polje

23    rockhole

24    rising

26    streamsink

28    uvala

30    (misc feature)

32    unallocated number

33    rock pavement

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2 : Submersion
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

2     perennially submerged

4     intermittently submerged

6     perennially part-submerged

8     intermittently part-submerged

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3 : Flow presence
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

2     perennially active

4     intermittently active

6     dry

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4 : Flow direction
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

2     inflow

4     outflow

6     inflow-outflow

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5 : Internal flow
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

2     connects to perennial internal flow

4     connects to intermittent internal flow

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6 : Internal water
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

2     connects to perennial standing water

4     connects to intermittent standing water

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7 : Rock type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:
Before:   in

Code  Translation

02    limestone

04    dune limestone

06    dolomite

08    marble

10    basalt

12    dolerite

14    granite

16    gypsum

18    ice

20    lava

21    magnesite

22    mudstone

24    quartzite

26    sandstone

28    soil

30    tuff

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8 : Cave type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

40    (limestone cave)

42    artificial cave

44    blowhole

46    boulder cave

48    fault-movement cave

50    glacier cave

52    lava tunnel

54    lava vent

56    mine

58    rock shelter

60    sea cave

62    piping cave

64    weathering cave

66    (misc. type)

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

10 : Entrance type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:
Before:   entrance is

Code  Translation

2     cave type

4     pothole type

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

11 : Development
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:
Before:   development is

Code  Translation

002   active

004   and

006   bifurcating

008   blind

010   complex

012   cross

014   daylight

016   dead

018   deep

020   dry

022   extensive

024   external

026   final

028   gently sloping

030   high

032   high-level

034   horizontal

036   inclined

038   interconnected

040   internal

042   inverted

044   large

046   leads from

048   leads to

050   live

052   long

054   low

056   low-level

058   mainly

060   many

062   meandering

064   medium-sized

066   narrow

068   new

070   old

072   part

074   permanent

076   phreatic

078   rambling

080   rock-filled

082   semi-daylight

084   several

086   shallow

088   short

090   simple

092   single

094   small

096   some

098   spacious

100   steep

102   straight

104   submerged

106   terminal

108   through

110   tight

112   vadose

114   Vauclusian

116   vertical

118   water-filled

120   winding

122   with

150   bed

152   bedding

154   canyon

156   cave

158   chamber

160   conduit

162   crawl

164   deathtrap

165   doline

166   dome

168   entrance

170   exfoliation

172   extension

174   fault

176   fissure

178   flattener

180   hole

182   inflow

184   joint

186   network

188   outflow

190   passage

192   plane

194   resurgence

196   river

198   rockfall

200   section

202   shaft

204   siphon

206   spring

208   stream

210   system

212   tafoni

214   tube

216   tunnel

218   undercut

220   watercourse

222   windscour

224   s

250   joint-controlled

252   along fault

254   across strike

256   through strike

258   follows dip

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12 : Decoration
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:
After:    decoration

Code  Translation

02    extensive

04    some

06    a little

08    no

10    excellent

12    good

14    unusual

16    reasonable

18    poor

20    dead

22    live

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

17 : Moisture level
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    dusty environment

04    dry environment

06    damp environment

08    wet environment

10    wide moisture range

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18 : State in cave number
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

2     New South Wales

3     Victoria

4     Queensland

5     South Australia

6     West Australia

7     Tasmania

8     Northern Territory

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20 : Penetrability
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

2     (penetrable)

4     impenetrable

6     penetrable only by diving

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29 : Degree explored
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    unexplored, may not be a cave

04    unexplored but definitely a cave

06    cursorily explored, many unexplored leads

08    cursorily explored, some unexplored leads

10    cursorily explored, no leads noticed

12    reasonably explored, some unexplored leads

14    reasonably explored, no leads noticed

16    systematically explored, no obvious leads

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30 : Discoverer type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

2     discovered:

4     first explored:

6     first recorded:

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40 : Species significance
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

2     type locality

4     maternity site

6     sub-fossil/skeletal

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41 : Cave use
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:
Before:   used for

Code  Translation

02    guided tourist cave

04    self-guided tourist cave

06    guided wild tourist cave

08    self-guided wild tourist cave

10    recreation

12    S & R training

14    beginner training

16    rubbish

18    waste disposal

20    road drain

22    storage

24    habitation

26    livestock shelter

28    food source

30    water source

32    bat shelter

34    guano mining

36    mine

38    mineralogical study

40    geological study

42    biological study

44    hydrological study

46    geomorphological study

48    meteorological study

50    paleontological study

52    archeological study

54    anthropological study

56    speleotherapy

58    aboriginal sacred site

60    shrine

62    temple

64    human burial site

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

42 : Owner type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    govt owned

03    leased from govt

04    conservation trust owned

06    privately owned

08    co-operative owned

10    company owned

12    institute owned

14    community owned

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43 : Damage
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:
Before:   damage:

Code  Translation

02    complete

04    extensive

06    some

08    a little

10    none

12    breakage

14    removal of contents

16    rubbish

18    marking

20    muddying

22    graffiti

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45 : Management category
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:
Before:   class:

Code  Translation

11    adventure

12    show

21    reference

22    outstanding

23    dangerous

31    wild

32    unclassified

40    multi-category (see below)

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46 : Protection methods
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

08    controlled access

30    keep to existing routes

32    keep to marked routes

34    boot removal needed

36    sock changes needed

38    clean clothes needed

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48 : Importances
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:
Before:   important for

Code  Translation

02    tourism

04    tourist potential

06    recreation

08    training

10    history

12    cultural heritage

20    burial cave

22    ceremonial cave

30    bat maternity colony

32    insect control

40    anthropology

42    archeology

44    biology

46    geology

48    geomorphology

50    hydrology

52    meteorology

54    mineralogy

56    paleontology

60    speleochronology

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

49 : Surface use
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:
Before:   surface used for

Code  Translation

02    grazing

04    cultivation

06    habitation

08    industry

10    marble quarry

12    limestone quarry

14    dolomite quarry

16    quarrying permit

18    mining permit

20    mineral exploration permit

22    State forest

24    pine plantation

26    reserve

28    national park

30    forest reserve

32    wildlife refuge

34    aboriginal reserve

35    archeological reserve

36    public purposes reserve

38    road reserve

40    watershed reserve

42    flora reserve

44    river reserve

46    scientific ref. area

48    prohibited area

50    uncommitted crown land

52    nothing

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

50 : Difficulties
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:
Before:   required:

Code  Translation

02    wading

04    wallowing

06    full immersion

08    roof sniffing

10    ducking

12    swimming

14    scuba diving

16    boats

18    extensive crawling

20    extensive squeezing

22    above-average fitness

24    extreme fitness

26    rockclimbing skills

28    extensive vertical work

30    underground camping

32    dry clothes & waterproofs

34    wetsuit

36    change of clothes

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

51 : Prospects
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:
Before:   prospects:

Code  Translation

02    spacious leads

04    enterable leads

06    openable leads

08    difficult leads

10    further leads likely

12    further leads possible

14    further leads unlikely

16    good location

18    nearby features

20    draught

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

52 : Hazards
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:
Before:   hazards:

Code  Translation

02    highly unstable area(s)

04    loose rocks on pitches

06    unsafe steps

08    getting lost

10    floods

12    deep mud

14    quicksand

16    exposure(cold)

18    foul air

20    decaying animals

22    snakes

24    wombats

26    ticks

28    histoplasmosis

30    heat exhaustion

32    deep water

34    fast water

36    tight pitches

38    long difficult pitches

40    waterfall pitches

42    sump(s)

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57 : Length method
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    est from sketch

04    est after visit

06    est during visit

08    surveyed

10    surv plan length

12    surv traverse length

14    contin linear devel

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61 : Vertical method
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    est from sketch

04    est after visit

06    est during visit

08    surveyed

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72 : Contents
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:
Before:   contains

Code  Translation

002   extensive guano

004   many bats

006   occasional bats

010   birds

012   fish

014   frogs

016   snakes

018   crocodiles

020   crabs

022   insects

024   spiders

026   wetas

028   glow-worms

030   trogloxenes

032   accidental trogloxenes

034   troglophiles

036   troglobites

040   fossils

042   bones

044   teeth

050   shells

052   charcoal

054   stone flakes

056   artifacts

058   paintings

060   carvings

062   sculptures

064   early signatures

070   human remains

072   minerals

080   lake(s)

082   waterfall(s)

084   permanent ice

086   periodic ice

088   logs

090   tree roots

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

78 : Entrance marking
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    no. attached

04    no. chiselled

06    no. painted

08    no. marked

10    unmarked

12    attached identifier

14    chiselled identifier

16    painted identifier

18    marked identifier

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

84 : Local status of UIS field
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

1     This definition is in use locally

3     Local equivalent is different but compatible

5     Local equivalent is incompatible

9     This definition has no local equivalent

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

91 : Length type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

1     short

2     long

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

92 : Data type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

1     alphanumeric

2     numeric (real)

3     date

4     logical

5     integer (short)

6     memo

7     BLOB

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

93 : Coding type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

1     coded - international numeric UIS codes

2     uncoded

3     coded - local

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

95 : Single or multi-valued
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

1     single-valued

2     multi-valued

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96 : UIS status of UIS field
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    International UIS standard

04    Proposal issued for voting now being amended

06    Proposal for voting issued by UIS

08    Proposal issued for comment now being amended

10    Proposal for comment issued by UIS

12    Early issued draft now being amended

14    Early draft issued by UIS

16    Initial rough draft now being amended

18    Initial rough draft by UIS

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

117 : Value set or used here?
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

1     set

2     used

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

118 : Primary/secondary key?
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

1     primary

2     secondary

3     foreign

4     not a key

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167 : Local status of new field
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

1     This definition is in use locally

3     This definition will soon be in use locally

5     This definition will possibly be in use locally

9     This definition is not planned for local use

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171 : Local status of new value
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

1     This definition is in use locally

3     This definition will soon be in use locally

5     This definition will possibly be in use locally

9     This definition is not planned for local use

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258 : Access status
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    completely sealed

04    locked

10    access prohibited

12    access seasonally prohibited

14    specific groups only

16    bona-fide researchers only

18    experienced parties only

20    guided parties only

22    general speleo access

24    easy public access

50    prior permit needed

52    self-issued permit needed

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297 : Length category
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

0     unknown

1     <50m

2     50-499m

3     500-4999m

4     5000-9999m

5     10000-24999m

6     25000-49999m

7     50000-99999m

8     100000-499999m

9     >499999m

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298 : Length units
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

1     metres

2     feet

3     yards

4     degrees

5     n/a

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299 : Length units abbreviation
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

1     m

2     ft

3     yd

4     deg


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367 : Map type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    topographic

04    cadastral

06    geological

08    thematic

10    cave

12    cave area

14    road

16    aeronautical

18    hydrographic

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381 : Organisation type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    voluntary

04    co-operative

06    commercial

08    professional

10    academic

12    government

14    charitable

16    NGO

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393 : Organisation coverage
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    local

04    regional

06    state

08    national

10    regional (countries)

12    international

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394 : Organisation grouping
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

2     primary

4     federation

6     federation + individuals

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410 : Person role
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

40    private individual

42    consultant

44    club member

46    club officer

48    employee

50    contractor

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

465 : Data source type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    first hand experience

04    pers. comm. from first hand person

06    from reference

08    educated guess

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

467 : Data security level
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    available for general release - no restriction

04    publication with restricted circulation OK

06    release to government agencies OK

08    release to researchers OK

10    release only after approval of supplying org in each case

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

469 : Type of update
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

2     new

4     updated

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

507 : Data confidence level
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    correct

04    probably correct

06    possibly correct

08    possibly wrong

10    probably wrong

12    wrong

14    approximately correct

16    much greater than actual

18    a little greater than actual

20    greater than actual

22    probably greater than actual

24    possibly greater than actual

26    possibly less than actual

28    probably less than actual

30    less than actual

32    a little less than actual

34    much less than actual

36    much later than actual

38    a little later than actual

40    later than actual

42    probably later than actual

44    possibly later than actual

46    possibly earlier than actual

48    probably earlier than actual

50    earlier than actual

52    a little earlier than actual

54    much earlier than actual

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

508 : Data confidence symbol
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    =

04    ?

06    ?

08    ?

10    ?

12    x

14    c

16    <

18    <

20    <

22    <

24    <

26    >

28    >

30    >

32    >

34    >

36    <

38    <

40    <

42    <

44    <

46    >

48    >

50    >

52    >

54    >

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

512 : Entity update status
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    contains latest known information

04    some further information available but not yet loaded

06    much more information available but not yet loaded

08    some further information is known by others but not available

10    much more information is known by others but not available

12    token entry - known data not yet entered

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

527 : Depth category
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

0     unknown

1     <50m

2     50-99m

3     100-199m

4     200-499m

5     500-749m

6     750-999m

7     1000-1249m

8     1250-1499m

9     >1499m

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

593 : Map image technique
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

0     Not yet ready.

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

594 : Map image type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

0     Not yet ready.

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

595 : Map image file format
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

0     Not yet ready.

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

609 : Whether author or editor
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

1     Author

2     Editor

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

622 : True or False
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

0     False

1     True

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

623 : Source type
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    voluntary

04    co-operative

06    commercial

08    professional

10    academic

12    government

14    charitable

16    NGO

40    private individual

42    consultant

44    club member

46    club officer

48    employee

50    contractor

[ Top ] [ Updates ] [ Field List ] [ Field definitions ] [ Table Structures ] [ Proposal ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

641 : Position method
Surrounding text (if any) added to value(s) during publication:
         Singular:                         Plural:

Code  Translation

02    GPS

04    differential GPS

06    triangulation

08    trilateration

10    resection

12    traverse

14    levelling

16    astronomical observation

18    estimated from topo map

20    estimated from orthophoto

22    estimated from satellite image

24    estimated from contour map

26    calculated from grid co-ords

28    calculated from lat/long co-ords

30    altimeter

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593-595, 609, 622-623, 641.
Updated: 1, 298-299.

Added: 527.
Updated: 1, 7, 297.

Previous versions:
[ 2000-11-07 ] [ 1998-09-05 ]

Copyright © 1998-2009 International Union of Speleology. May be reproduced for non-commercial use provided this copyright paragraph is retained. This ongoing development of field definitions etc is being conducted by the Informatics Commission (UISIC) of the International Union of Speleology (UIS). UIS and the Australian Speleological Federation have collaborated to use ASF's Karst Index Database as a real world example to help develop these tables and fields.
Page address: http://www.uisic.uis-speleo.org/exchange/atencode.html
Site: P. Matthews