Underground cavity - Cavité

From KarstLink
Revision as of 07:57, 2 August 2020 by Furien (talk | contribs) (add description)
Step 1 / Étape 1
Choice of support ontology
for geolocated objects (en)
Choix d'une ontologie support
pour les objets géolocalisés (fr)
State: proposal Etat : proposition
Decision taken during the vote held in July 2020. The results are available here Décision prise lors du vote organisé en juillet 2020. les résultats sont disponibles ici

Choice / Choix Remarks Remarques
A : GeoNames
Creatives Commons
GeoNames is an ontology which describes geolocated objects.

DCMI will describe the textual information on the underground cavities.

Creatives Commons used to indicate the license retained for shared data. Geois used to give coordinates and altitude.

GeoNames est une ontologie qui décrit des objets géolocalisés.

DCMI permettra de décrire les informations textuelles sur les cavités.

Creatives Commons permet d'indiquer la licence retenue pour les données partagées. Geoest utilisé pour donner les coordonnées et l'altitude.

Step 2 / Étape 2
Description of the Underground cavity (en) Description de la Cavité (fr)
State: draft État : brouillon
Planned vote: date to be determined later Vote prévu : date à déterminer ultérieurement
subject / sujet relation object / objet Remarks in English Remarques en Français
UndergroundCavity type Class
UndergroundCavity definition An underground cavity can be natural or artificial (mine, quarry, sewer, tunnel, etc.), penetrable or not, karstic or not (volcanic, etc.), or certain types of superficial karst phenomena (source, drain, polje, mega-doline, etc.).
UndergroundCavity label Underground Cavity
UndergroundCavity name String you can add the language. For example xml:lang="en" ajout de la langue possible. Par exemple xml:lang="fr"
UndergroundCavity alternateName String Another name or code that identifies the underground cavity.You can add the language. For example xml:lang="en" Un autre nom ou un code qui identifie la cavité. Ajout de la langue possible. Par exemple xml:lang="fr"
UndergroundCavity hasPart Description
Description title string
Description language from a controlled vocabulary : ISO 639-2
Description creator string or URI
Description description string
UndergroundCavity hasPart Access
Access title string
Access language from a controlled vocabulary : ISO 639-2
Access creator string or URI
Access description string
UndergroundCavity lat The WGS84 latitude (decimal degrees). North is + La latitude WGS84 (degrés décimaux). Le nord est +
UndergroundCavity long The WGS84 longitude (decimal degrees). East is + La longitude WGS84 (degrés décimaux). l’Est est +
UndergroundCavity alt
UndergroundCavity coordinatePrecision

A decimal representation of the precision of the coordinates given in the Latitude and Longitude.

Use -1 for falses coordinate

Une représentation décimale de la précision des coordonnées données dans la latitude et la longitude.

Utiliser -1 pour les fausses coordonnées

UndergroundCavity length
UndergroundCavity extentaAboveEntrance
  • integer

UndergroundCavity extentBelowEntrance
  • integer

UndergroundCavity verticalextent unsigned integer
UndergroundCavity countryCode iso country code, 2 characters
UndergroundCavity discovered Agent
UndergroundCavity visited Agent
UndergroundCavity references BibliographicResource
UndergroundCavity isPartOf UndergroundCavity
UndergroundCavity hasPart UndergroundCavity
UndergroundCavity hasPart Point
UndergroundCavity hasPart Observation
UndergroundCavity isPartOf Area
UndergroundCavity rights LicenseDocument


LicenseDocument licenceType String Collection of terms that can be used to describe licence type
LicenseDocument created Date Date may be used to express temporal information at any level of granularity. Recommended practice is to express the date, date/time, or period of time according to ISO 8601-1 [ISO 8601-1] or a published profile of the ISO standard, such as the W3C Note on Date and Time Formats [W3CDTF] or the Extended Date/Time Format Specification [EDTF]. If the full date is unknown, month and year (YYYY-MM) or just year (YYYY) may be used. Date ranges may be specified using ISO 8601 period of time specification in which start and end dates are separated by a '/' (slash) character. Either the start or end date may be missing.
LicenseDocument modified Date
LicenseDocument attributionURL URL or Organization
discovered definition An entity that has discovered another entity or that has been discovered by another entity
discovered type Property
discovered label Discovered
visited type Property
visited definition An entity that visited another entity or that was visited by another entity
visited label Visited
Access label Access
Access type Class
Access definition Description of access to an entity
Description label Description
Description type Class
Description definition Description of an entity
length label Length
length type Property
length definition The aggregate length of the underground cavity in metres.
extentaAboveEntrance label Extent above entrance
extentaAboveEntrance type Property
extentaAboveEntrance definition

The vertical distance the cave extends above the lowest point of this

Underground Cavity, in metres.

extentBelowEntrance label Extent below entrance
extentBelowEntrance type Property
extentBelowEntrance definition

The vertical distance the cave extends below the lowest point of this

Underground Cavity, in metres.

Any underwater depth, if known, should be included.

verticalExtent label Vertical extent
verticalExtent type Property
verticalExtent definition

The overall vertical distance in metres between the highest and

lowest known points of the underground cavity expressed as an

unsigned value.