International Union of Speleology
Informatics Commission - Dictionary Sub-commission
Updated: 2023-04-30 (includes template Rev.5)
The Caver's Dictionary is always looking for more languages to add. If you would like to add a whole new language, then before starting work please contact the Sub-commission Leader to check whether anyone else is already working on it. The dictionary terms are stored in a database, and we upload the file of new words into it as described below. You can also just advise us of new words for an existing language, or suggest corrections - just put your updates into our template and email it to the Chairman.
Some definitions we use in the Dictionary:
A group of terms with the same meaning, regardless of the language used. In the Dictionary, each concept is identified by a number, i.e. it is language-independent. This is the number which appears on the first line of each group of terms on the web page.
A word or phrase, in any language, which is used for a given concept.
The number specifying the sequence position of the term when there is more than one term for a concept. Naturally each sequence number must be unique (no duplicates) within the one concept.
For example, Concept 1 on the web page contains, among others, two terms in English, namely "littoral cave" and "sea cave", and one term in Spanish, namely "cueva marina (f)". The Term Sequence Number for "littoral cave" and "cueva marina (f)" is 1, because each is the first term for the concept in its respective language, and the Term Sequence Number for "sea cave" is 2, because it is a second term for its concept.
The format of the file we need is described below. However we recommend that the easiest and most successful way to send your terms to us is to download our template spreadsheet, fill it in with your words and send it back to us. We then create the required file from that spreadsheet. Or if you already have the terms in your own data system, you could instead produce the file below directly from your own system. Our template includes all existing concept numbers, together with their English and French words as a guide, and space for you to fill in your own terms. The first three columns in the spreadsheet are the three fields described in the file specification below. If you prefer a different guide language to be included, please let us know.
However if you prepare your own plain text file instead of using our template, please follow these specifications:
[concept number],[term sequence number],["term"] (omit the square brackets but include the double-quotes.)
For example, if you were supplying the English language terms for the first three concepts in the Dictionary, the file would look like this:
1,1,"littoral cave"
1,2,"sea cave"