Data Quality & Security Subsystem - Table Design

Updated: 15-Jul-2002

This is a first-pass example of how the physical table structures could be arranged for recording Security Level and Data Quality (Accuracy, Lineage, Age, Completeness, and Logical Consistency). Comments and suggested improvements are certainly invited. See also the further explanatory notes below.

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The example single- (SV) and multi-valued    ¦
(MV) tables below in this column show how    ¦
to link individual field values to their     ¦
data quality, which is recorded in the       ¦
table in the column at the right.            ¦
CA0000                                       ¦
Master table  (a single-valued example)      ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 1       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦»-------+
¦  1¦Karst feature type       ¦A2  ¦    CID  ¦
¦  9¦Quantity of entrances    ¦S   ¦ 1       ¦
¦ 10¦Entrance type            ¦A1  ¦¦»-------+
¦   ¦etc                      ¦    ¦    FID  ¦
¦   ¦etc                      ¦    ¦         ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+         ¦
* Quality of field 10[Entrance type] is      ¦
  via a lookup of CaveID + FieldID(10) +     ¦
  LatestUpdateID(from Hist table CA0447).    ¦
* This example shows the Cave master         ¦
  table. Other single-valued tables and      ¦
  other entities would be done similarly.    ¦
CA0030                                       ¦
Discovery   (a multi-valued example)         ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 1       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦»-------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦    CID  ¦
¦ 30¦Discoverer type          ¦A1  ¦         ¦
¦419¦Discoverer - person ID   ¦A10 ¦         ¦
¦420¦Discoverer - org ID      ¦A9  ¦         ¦
¦ 31¦Discoverer name          ¦A45 ¦ 1       ¦
¦ 34¦Discoverer year          ¦A4  ¦¦»-------+
¦ 33¦Discoverer month         ¦A2  ¦    FID  ¦
¦ 32¦Discoverer day           ¦A2  ¦         ¦
¦477¦Discoverer date qualifier¦A2  ¦ 1       ¦
¦464¦Value ID                 ¦S   ¦¦»-------+
+---+-------------------------+----+    VID  ¦
* Quality of field 34[Discoverer year] is    ¦
  via a lookup of:                           ¦
  CaveID + FieldID(34) + ValueID + UpdateID. ¦
* If a record is updated, e.g. the value of  ¦
  any field in the table is changed, then a  ¦
  new VID is issued for the record and added ¦
  to the Data Quality table (here CA0464 on  ¦
  right) for each field in the above table.  ¦
* Other multi-valued tables containing one   ¦
  or more data fields would be done          ¦
  similarly.                                 ¦
                 *********                   ¦
For data security values, the table below    ¦
is an alternative to including the security  ¦
field 467[Data security level] in the data   ¦
quality table in the right-hand column. For  ¦
example, if security is always being shown   ¦
only on a per field basis and not on a per   ¦
field value basis, or if it is wanted to     ¦
store it separately from data quality        ¦
anyway.                                      ¦
CA0467                                       ¦
Cave Data Security (at field level)          ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:1  «  ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«-------+
¦ 82¦Field ID                 ¦S*  ¦¦
¦467¦Data security level      ¦A2  ¦L     
CA0464                                       ¦
Cave Data Quality (for example)              ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+     0:1 ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦3 5» ¦ « ¦
¦ 82¦Field ID                 ¦S*  ¦3    ¦«--+
¦464¦Value ID                 ¦S*  ¦1 3  ¦   ¦
¦421¦Update ID                ¦A10*¦2 3» ¦   ¦
¦520¦Data - key-in ID         ¦A10 ¦6»Key-Ins¦
¦521¦Data - upload ID         ¦A10 ¦6»Uploads¦
¦469¦Type of update           ¦A1  ¦L3       ¦
¦470¦Data supplier - person ID¦A10 ¦L6»People¦
¦471¦Data supplier - org ID   ¦A9  ¦L6»Orgs  ¦
¦465¦Data source type         ¦A2  ¦L8       ¦
¦466¦Data confidence level    ¦A2  ¦L8       ¦
¦467¦Data security level      ¦A2  ¦L7 8     ¦
¦468¦Data - reference ID      ¦A11 ¦L8»Refs  ¦
¦472¦Data date - year         ¦A4  ¦4 8      ¦
¦473¦Data date - month        ¦A2  ¦4 8      ¦
¦474¦Data date - day          ¦A2  ¦4 8      ¦
¦475¦Data date - qualifier    ¦A2  ¦L4 8     ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+         ¦
CA0550                                       ¦
Cave Data Quality Comments                   ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+  0:1    ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦3 ¦   «  ¦
¦ 82¦Field ID                 ¦S*  ¦3 ¦«-----+
¦464¦Value ID                 ¦S*  ¦1 ¦
¦421¦Update ID                ¦A10*¦3 ¦
¦550¦Data quality comment memo¦M   ¦8
One record in the main table above stores the 
properties of one individual field value
existing in the site's Cave entity tables. 
Similar table for each other entity, because 
ID does not identify which entity type. The 
lower table stores only an occasional record 
when there is a comment about the respective 
value's quality.
(1) [Value ID] is null for SV fields
    because value can be identified by 
    Update ID.
(2) [Update ID] distinguishes VID owners 
    when record is in a central database, 
    and identifies SV field values. It also
    permits the history of data quality to 
    be seen by allowing older values to be
    retained in the system.
(3) Auto-filled by the system.
(4) Note that these are the dates of the 
    actual data as opposed to the date 
    recorded in the Update batch when it was 
    submitted for data entry.
(5) This ID field chosen to suit respective 
    entity of the field values being tracked. 
    Table filename would follow same entity.
(6) If [Update ID] is available, i.e. Data 
    History being kept, this field can be 
    auto-filled by the system, or else not 
    stored but calculated when needed. If
    Data History not being kept, this field
    would be explicitly entered by a user 
    (but not 421, 520, 521).
(7) Security Level for SV fields could be 
    considered a field-level property rather 
    than value-level, and stored in a separate
    table keyed on only CaveID+FieldID to 
    differentiate between caves (see table at
    left). But for MV fields, there may be 
    variations on Security Level between the 
    values of a field, so Security Level must 
    be stored in a table keyed like the above.
(8) Would need individual or block entry by 
    a user.


Data Quality


Columns shown:
1. Standard UIS Field ID (FID).
2. Field name.
3. Data type.

* = A primary key. 
L = A lookup table is used to set this field's values.
R = Right-justified.
» = This field provides a link to another entity, i.e. is a "foreign key".
- The names above the table descriptions are example filenames for the 
  tables using max 8 chars.
- Any numbers to the right of a field refer to the notes below that table.

Table linkages (respective instances in detail table per instance in master table):
0:1 = from 0 to 1 instances
0:n = from 0 to many instances
1:1 = always 1 instance
1:n = at least 1 instance
The vertical bar(s) at each end of a link show the actual fields linked.

Data types:
S    = Short integer, up to 32,768.
N    = Numeric, decimals allowed.
Annn = Alphanumeric up to 255 chars long (A1-A255).
D    = Date.
M    = Memo (variable length free text).
B    = BLOB (Binary Large Object, e.g. a photo image).
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15-Jul-2002. Initial release.

Copyright © 2002 Peter Matthews. May be reproduced for non-commercial use provided this copyright paragraph is retained. This ongoing development of field definitions etc is being conducted by the Informatics Commission (UISIC) of the International Union of Speleology (UIS). The Australian Speleological Federation's (ASF) national Karst Index Database has been used as a pilot.
Page address:
P. Matthews. Email: