Cave & Karst Feature Subsystem

Table Design

Updated: 4 Nov 2000

Here is an example of a physical table structure using a subset of the draft UIS Standard Fields. Most of this structure has been implemented in the Australian Speleological Federation's current Australian Karst Index national cave/karst database. Fields identified with an x are not yet included.

Tips: To view the tables more clearly it may be necessary to change the size of your browser's fixed-spacing font. To find a particular Field ID, use your browser's text search facility. This page's source code for the tables is arranged to allow easy plain-text emailing of table designs during discussion.

[ Legend ] [ Other Tables ] [ Proposal ] [ Fields ] [ Field definitions ] [ UISIC ] [ UIS ] [ ASF ]

CA0000                                            ¦
Cave master table                                 ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 1  »         ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦»------------+
¦  1¦Karst feature type       ¦A2  ¦L             ¦
¦  9¦Quantity of entrances    ¦S   ¦              ¦
¦ 10¦Entrance type            ¦A1  ¦L             ¦
¦  2¦Submersion               ¦A1  ¦L             ¦
¦ 20¦Penetrability            ¦A1  ¦L             ¦
¦  3¦Flow presence            ¦A1  ¦L             ¦
¦  4¦Flow direction           ¦A1  ¦L             ¦
¦  5¦Internal flow            ¦A1  ¦L             ¦
¦  6¦Internal water           ¦A1  ¦L             ¦
¦ 56¦Length                   ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 57¦Length method            ¦A2  ¦L             ¦
¦ 58¦Length accuracy          ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦511¦Vertical extent          ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 59¦Extent below entrance    ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 60¦Extent above entrance    ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 61¦Vertical method          ¦A2  ¦L             ¦
¦ 62¦Vertical accuracy        ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 63¦Length of largest chamber¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 64¦Width of largest chamber ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 65¦Height of largest chamber¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 67¦Extent length            ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 68¦Extent width             ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦531¦Orientation              ¦N   ¦x             ¦
¦297¦Length category          ¦A1  ¦L(3)          ¦
¦527¦Depth category           ¦A1  ¦L(3)          ¦
¦ 21¦Latitude - coarse        ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 22¦Longitude - coarse       ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 23¦Map sheet name - coarse  ¦A30 ¦L             ¦
¦ 26¦Grid reference - coarse  ¦A4  ¦              ¦
¦ 25¦Gr.ref qualifier - coarse¦A4  ¦L             ¦
¦ 27¦Nearest locality         ¦A30 ¦              ¦
¦ 28¦Altitude - coarse        ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 29¦Degree explored          ¦A2  ¦L             ¦
¦ 42¦Owner type               ¦A2  ¦L             ¦
¦ 44¦Management classifier    ¦A8  ¦L(2)          ¦
¦ 45¦Management category      ¦A2  ¦L             ¦
¦ 47¦Controller               ¦A8  ¦L(2)          ¦
¦ 54¦Percent mapped           ¦S   ¦              ¦
¦ 78¦Entrance marking         ¦A2  ¦L             ¦
¦ 13¦Minimum temperature      ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 14¦Maximum temperature      ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 15¦Minimum humidity         ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 16¦Maximum humidity         ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦ 17¦Moisture level           ¦A2  ¦L             ¦
¦228¦Owner - person ID        ¦A10 ¦»L            ¦
¦417¦Owner - organisation ID  ¦A9  ¦»L            ¦
¦418¦Owner - name             ¦A60 ¦(1)           ¦
¦229¦Local government area    ¦A30 ¦L             ¦
¦230¦Update status            ¦A2  ¦L             ¦
¦220¦Country in cave number   ¦A2  ¦ )            ¦
¦ 18¦State in cave number     ¦A2  ¦ )to be       ¦
¦ 19¦Area in cave number      ¦A3  ¦ )replaced    ¦
¦ 77¦Serial in cave number    ¦A4  ¦R)by Ca0018   ¦
¦303¦Area lookup              ¦A7  ¦ )            ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
(1) If not available by direct link.              ¦
(2) Use initials for the time being.              ¦
(3) Calculated field 528[Size category] is        ¦
    formed by concatenating these two.            ¦
CA0018                                            ¦
Cave number (will replace master fields)          ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 1:1  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦220¦Country in cave number   ¦A2  ¦              ¦
¦ 18¦State in cave number     ¦A2  ¦              ¦
¦ 19¦Area in cave number      ¦A3  ¦              ¦
¦ 77¦Serial in cave number    ¦A4  ¦R             ¦
¦303¦Area lookup              ¦A7  ¦L             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
(1) Format of table varies per country.           ¦
CA0231                                            ¦
Previous cave numbers (not yet in use)            ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦231¦Previous country         ¦A2  ¦x             ¦
¦232¦Previous state           ¦A2  ¦x             ¦
¦233¦Previous area            ¦A3  ¦x             ¦
¦234¦Previous serial          ¦A4  ¦Rx            ¦
¦304¦Previous area lookup     ¦A7  ¦Lx            ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
CA0074                                            ¦
Cross-references                                  ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦235¦Cross-reference country  ¦A2  ¦              ¦
¦236¦Cross-reference state    ¦A2  ¦              ¦
¦237¦Cross-reference area     ¦A3  ¦              ¦
¦ 74¦Cross-reference serial   ¦A4  ¦R             ¦
¦305¦Cross-reference lookup   ¦A7  ¦L             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
CA0070                                            ¦
Principal name                                    ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:1  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 70¦Principal name           ¦A52 ¦              ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
CA0439                                            ¦
Publishable land unit location                    ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:1  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦439¦Land unit - coarse       ¦A30 ¦L             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
CA0259 (read-only)                                ¦
Other db site Cave IDs for this cave              ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦259¦Other cave IDs           ¦A10 ¦»             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
CA0075                                            ¦
Fields to be excluded from cave lists             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦ 75¦Cave list exclusion FID  ¦S   ¦L             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
i.e. this is the ASF old SUPPRESSION field.       ¦
CA0007                                            ¦
Rock type                                         ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦  7¦Rock type                ¦A2  ¦L             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
The following fields each have a similar          ¦
multi-valued table to Rock Type above:            ¦
   8 Cave type                 A2  L 0:n  «
  11 Development               A3  L
  12 Decoration                A2  L
  35 Extension discovery       A52 
  41 Cave use                  A2  L
  43 Damage                    A2  L               
  46 Protection methods        A2  L(1)             
  48 Importances               A2  L
  49 Surface use               A2  L
  50 Difficulties              A2  L
  51 Prospects                 A2  L
  52 Hazards                   A2  L
  53 Comments                  A62                
  66 Pitches                   N                  
  69 Other names               A52                
  72 Contents                  A3  L
 258 Access status (ex 46)     A2  L(1)             
(1) 46 and access status later.                   


SITE PARAMETERS:                                  
The following values in this column               
apply to the site database as a whole:            
Database site parameters                          
+---+-------------------------+----+   1  »       
¦156¦Site country code        ¦A2* ¦L¦»-------+   
¦157¦Site organisation code   ¦A3* ¦L¦        ¦   
¦182¦Database org code        ¦A3  ¦L         ¦   
¦158¦Site default language    ¦A2  ¦L         ¦   
¦288¦Geodetic Datum used      ¦A30 ¦L(1)      ¦   
¦289¦Map Grid used            ¦A30 ¦L(1)      ¦   
¦516¦Height Datum used        ¦A30 ¦L(1)      ¦   
¦412¦Coarse - map series      ¦A30 ¦          ¦   
¦296¦Coarse - grid ref units  ¦A1  ¦L         ¦   
¦413¦Coarse - gr.ref qualifier¦A30 ¦          ¦   
¦294¦Coarse - geogr. precision¦N   ¦          ¦   
¦295¦Coarse - gr.ref precision¦N   ¦          ¦   
¦526¦Coarse altitude precision¦N   ¦          ¦   
¦440¦Coarse - land unit name  ¦A15 ¦          ¦   
¦446¦Coarse - altitude units  ¦A1  ¦L         ¦   
¦290¦Table scroll arrows Y/N  ¦S   ¦L(2)      ¦   
¦291¦Code translations Y/N    ¦S   ¦L(2)      ¦   
¦336¦Local abstracts name     ¦A132¦          ¦   
¦337¦Local abstracts initials ¦A10 ¦          ¦   
¦529¦Software upgrade level   ¦A4  ¦          ¦   
¦539¦Program version number   ¦A15 ¦x         ¦   
+---+-------------------------+----+          ¦   
This table will later be split into site      ¦   
parameters and user preferences.              ¦   
Most parameters are settable only by the      ¦   
Central Database Administrator.               ¦   
(1) Or put in Exact Position table CA0245     ¦   
    if different value per location value.    ¦   
(2) 1 = True, 0 = False.                      ¦   
SYS00SPB                                      ¦   
Names for level of government at site         ¦   
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «   ¦   
¦156¦Site country code        ¦A2* ¦¦«--------+    
¦157¦Site organisation code   ¦A3* ¦¦         ¦    
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦(1)       ¦    
¦292¦Government level name    ¦A15 ¦          ¦    
+---+-------------------------+----+          ¦    
SYS00SPC                                      ¦    
Land parcel nomenclature at site              ¦    
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «   ¦    
¦156¦Site country code        ¦A2* ¦¦«--------+    
¦157¦Site organisation code   ¦A3* ¦¦              
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦(1)            
¦293¦Land unit name           ¦A15 ¦               
(1) Value Sequence to be set so that               
    names stored in decreasing size of area.           

CA0241                                            ¦
Grid references                                   ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦411¦Grid ref - map ID        ¦A10 ¦»L            ¦
¦241¦Grid ref - easting       ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦242¦Grid ref - northing      ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦243¦Grid ref - units         ¦A1  ¦L             ¦
¦244¦Grid ref - precision used¦N   ¦              ¦
¦302¦Grid ref - accuracy used ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦240¦Grid ref - map edition   ¦A8  ¦              ¦
¦238¦Map scale                ¦N   ¦(1)           ¦
¦239¦Map number               ¦A25 ¦(1)           ¦
¦414¦Map or sheet name        ¦A30 ¦(1)           ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
(1) If not avail by 411 direct link.              ¦
(2) Auto-filled upon 411 lookup.                  ¦
CA0245                                            ¦
Exact position                                    ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:1  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦245¦Position - latitude      ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦246¦Position - longitude     ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦514¦Position - geog precision¦N   ¦              ¦
¦515¦Position - geog accuracy ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦247¦Position - grid zone     ¦A3  ¦              ¦
¦248¦Position - sheet number  ¦A4  ¦L             ¦
¦249¦Position - easting       ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦250¦Position - northing      ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦251¦Position - grid ref units¦A1  ¦L             ¦
¦252¦Position - gref precision¦N   ¦              ¦
¦300¦Position - gref accuracy ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦442¦Altitude                 ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦443¦Altitude - units         ¦A1  ¦L             ¦
¦444¦Altitude - precision +/- ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦445¦Altitude - accuracy +/-  ¦N   ¦              ¦
¦441¦Fifth-smallest land unit ¦A30 ¦(1)           ¦
¦253¦Fourth-smallest land unit¦A30 ¦(1)           ¦
¦254¦Third-smallest land unit ¦A30 ¦(1)           ¦
¦255¦Second-smallest land unit¦A30 ¦(1)           ¦
¦256¦Smallest land unit       ¦A10 ¦(1)           ¦
¦365¦Special land parcel      ¦A30 ¦(1)           ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
(1) These will be replaced by                     ¦
    542[Entrance land parcel ID]».                ¦
CA0257                                            ¦
Directions to find cave                           ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦257¦Directions to find cave  ¦A62 ¦              ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
CA0037                                            ¦
Species found                                     ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦ 37¦Genus name               ¦A30 ¦(1)L          ¦
¦ 38¦Species name             ¦A30 ¦(1)L          ¦
¦509¦Genus confidence level   ¦A2  ¦L             ¦
¦510¦Species confidence level ¦A2  ¦L             ¦
¦ 39¦Species ref - surname    ¦A45 ¦(1,2)         ¦
¦260¦Species ref - year       ¦A4  ¦(1,2)         ¦
¦261¦Species ref - year suffix¦A1  ¦(1,2)         ¦
¦262¦Species ref - comment    ¦A25 ¦(1)           ¦
¦263¦Species ref - article ID ¦A11 ¦»(1)L         ¦
¦ 40¦Species significance     ¦A1  ¦(1)L          ¦
¦364¦Specimen ID              ¦A10 ¦»L            ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
(1) If not avail. by 364 direct link.             ¦
(2) If not avail. by 263 direct link.             ¦
CA0525 (1)                                        ¦
Description of cave (lines)                       ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦525¦Cave description line    ¦A62 ¦x             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
(1) Tables CA0525 and CA0530 are alternatives.    ¦
CA0530 (1)                                        ¦
Description of cave (memo)                        ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:1  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦530¦Cave description memo    ¦M   ¦x             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
(1) Tables CA0525 and CA0530 are alternatives.    ¦
CA0055                                            ¦
Widest map                                        ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦265¦Map ID                   ¦A10 ¦»(2)L         ¦
¦ 55¦Map source - org code    ¦A3  ¦(1,3)         ¦
¦264¦Map sequence number      ¦A5  ¦(1)R          ¦
¦359¦Map or sheet name        ¦A30 ¦1             ¦
¦360¦Map & survey grade org   ¦A4  ¦1             ¦
¦361¦Map & survey grade value ¦A8  ¦1             ¦
¦362¦Map scale                ¦A10 ¦1             ¦
¦363¦Dates of surv/issue/amend¦A15 ¦1             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
(1) If not avail. by 265 direct link.             ¦
(2) Temporarily using old table for LU.           ¦
(3) Will later be replaced by 518[Map             ¦
    numberer org code] derived from 517.          ¦
CA0071                                            ¦
References                                        ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦268¦Ref - subjects           ¦A25 ¦              ¦
¦269¦Ref - relevant page range¦A20 ¦              ¦
¦270¦Article ID               ¦A11 ¦»             ¦
¦ 71¦Ref - surnames           ¦A45 ¦(1)           ¦
¦266¦Ref - year of publication¦A4  ¦(1)           ¦
¦267¦Ref - suffix to year     ¦A1  ¦(1)           ¦
¦355¦Ref - name of article    ¦A132¦(1)           ¦
¦356¦Ref - name of publication¦A132¦(1)           ¦
¦357¦Ref - volume number      ¦A7  ¦(1)           ¦
¦358¦Ref - issue number       ¦A4  ¦(1)           ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
(1) If not avail. by 270 direct link.             ¦
(2) Names coincide with AR table to allow         ¦
    auto-fill from AR lookup on Article ID.       ¦
CA0030                                            ¦
Discovery                                         ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦ 30¦Discoverer type          ¦A1  ¦L             ¦
¦419¦Discoverer - person ID   ¦A10 ¦»L            ¦
¦522¦Discoverer surname       ¦A30 ¦(1)           ¦
¦523¦Discoverer firstname     ¦A20 ¦(1)           ¦
¦420¦Discoverer - org ID      ¦A9  ¦»L            ¦
¦524¦Discoverer - org initials¦A8  ¦(2)           ¦
¦ 31¦Discoverer name          ¦A45 ¦(3)           ¦
¦ 34¦Discoverer year          ¦A4  ¦(4)           ¦
¦ 33¦Discoverer month         ¦A2  ¦              ¦
¦ 32¦Discoverer day           ¦A2  ¦              ¦
¦477¦Discoverer date qualifier¦A2  ¦L             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
Use multiple records if multiple persons          ¦
and/or organisations were involved.               ¦
(1) Manual entry or autofilled by 419.            ¦
(2) Manual entry or autofilled by 420.            ¦
(3) Combined people+org field for when            ¦
    419, 420, 522-524 are not available.          ¦
    Currently old ASF [Discoverer] field.         ¦
(4) A date-type field (FID 36) is also            ¦
    available.                                    ¦
CA0532                                            ¦
Entrance feature type                             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦532¦Entrance feature type    ¦A2  ¦Lx            ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
CA0533                                            ¦
Entrance development                              ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦533¦Entrance development     ¦A3  ¦Lx            ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
CA0534 (1)                                        ¦
Entrance description (memo)                       ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:1  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦534¦Entrance description memo¦M   ¦x             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
(1) Tables CA0534 and CA0535 are alternatives.    ¦
CA0535 (1)                                        ¦
Entrance description (lines)                      ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦535¦Entrance description line¦A62 ¦x             ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
(1) Tables CA0534 and CA0535 are alternatives.    ¦
CA0536                                            ¦
Entrance close-up photos                          ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦536¦Entrance photoID - near  ¦A10 ¦»Lx           ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
CA0537                                            ¦
Entrance long-shot photos                         ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦537¦Entrance photoID - locale¦A10 ¦»Lx           ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
CA0538                                            ¦
Entrance number-tag photos                        ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦              ¦
¦538¦Entrance photoID - tag   ¦A10 ¦»Lx           ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+              ¦
CA0540                                            ¦
Cave photos                                       ¦
+---+-------------------------+----+ 0:n  «       ¦
¦227¦Cave ID                  ¦A10*¦¦«------------+
¦ 73¦Value sequence           ¦S*  ¦                
¦540¦Cave photo ID            ¦A10 ¦»Lx            


Columns shown:
1. Standard UIS Field ID (FID).
2. Field name.
3. Data type.

* = A primary key. 
L = A lookup table is used to set this field's values.
R = Right-justified.
» = This field provides a link to another entity, i.e. is a "foreign key".
x = This field is not yet included in the Aust Karst Index.
The names above the table descriptions are example filenames for the 
tables using max 8 chars.

Table linkages (instances in detail table per instance in master table):
0:1 = from 0 to 1 instances
0:n = from 0 to many instances
1:1 = always 1 instance
1:n = at least 1 instance
The vertical bar(s) at each end of a link show the actual fields linked.

Data types:
S    = Short integer, up to 32,768.
N    = Numeric, decimals allowed.
Annn = Alphanumeric up to 255 chars wide (A1-A255).
D    = Date.
M    = Memo (variable length free text).
B    = BLOB (Binary Large Object, e.g. a photo image).
Top ] [ Tables ]
Copyright © 1993-2000 Peter Matthews. May be reproduced for non-commercial use provided this copyright paragraph is retained. This ongoing development of field definitions etc is being conducted by the Informatics Commission (UISIC) of the International Union of Speleology (UIS). The Australian Speleological Federation's (ASF) national Karst Index Database has been used as a pilot.
Page address:
Site: P. Matthews