International Union of Speleology
This is UISIC's contact list for people, organisations and datasets related to cave and karst informatics and documentation from around the world.
It has now become out-of-date in parts, and we are looking for a volunteer to take over as Editor and bring it up to date.
If an organisation is not shown for a country, try the UIS organisations pages:
If you know of somebody not listed below who is active in karst informatics, please invite them to send their details to the editor. Similarly if you know of any corrections, additions or missing email addresses, please advise the editor (click on editor's name above).
To find a country, person or organisation on this page, please use your browser's search facility <Ctrl-F>.
If from your own site you want to provide a direct web link to a particular country on this page,
add the country's country code (or INT for International) in upper case and preceded by a # to the
end of this page's address, e.g. for a link to the Argentina block, use:
Sadly, much of this important page has got quite out of date due to lack of resources, and so we are looking for someone to take it under their wing, contact each country, bring the data up to date, and then keep it up to date. We can provide a list of country emails to make contact, and can produce the actual updated web page if needed. Step 1 would be simply to bring this list up to date and keep it that way, with a possible later step of introducing a database for the information which could then generate a new web page periodically. We can offer this as a permanent volunteer role in the Commission, where you would be free to develop the facility according to your further ideas. For example, to allow authorised people from countries to update their own information themselves. If this role, even just the simple update in Step 1, sounds interesting to you, please contact the Editor above. It would be much appreciated, and would contribute significantly to the work and cave documentation facilities made available by the Informatics Commission.
[ UISIC Home ] [ Updates ]The description codes against individual entries are: ON = Organisation - national. Representing speleologists nationally. OO = Organisation - other. Local, national or international. PD = Person - delegate. Official UISIC delegate for that country. Usually also 'responsible'. PR = Person - responsible. Has some responsibility for documentation in that country. PI = Person - interested. DN = Dataset - national. Shows name/scope, person, size, type. DO = Dataset - other. The 2-letter code following each country name is the international standard country code from ISO 3166.
INTERNATIONAL OO: UIS Informatics Commission. Web: Stefan NÄFF [steff {at} speleo x ch] The Commission website includes links to further cave/karst resources: Multi-lingual wordlist, Glossary, Survey & Mapping standards, Caver publications, KarstLink linked data facility, Ontology, Data definitions, Subject codes, and with the opportunity to participate in creating recommendations for cave data protection and access policies. DO: Karst Information Portal. Web: Online repository of full-text downloadable speleological literature. DO: UIS Speleo Abstracts/BBS. Web: Online repository of abstracts of global speleological literature since 1969. DO: GrottoCenter - Web-based global cave database. Web Aug 2024: 104,000 caves, 133 countries. Didier BORG [dcborg {at} aol x com] UISIC Sub-commission: ARGENTINA / ARGENTINE - AR ON: FadE - Federación Argentina de Espeleología. [carlos_benedetto {at} inae x org x ar] Web: OO: GEA - Grupo Espeleologico Argentino. [info {at} gea x org x ar] Web: PI: BARREDO Silvia. [sbarredo {at} mail x retina x ar] PR: MARTINEZ Osvaldo, c/o GEA above. PR: PETTERSEN Mario, c/o GEA above. [mpetter {at} mbox x servicenet x com x ar] PI: REDONTE Gabriel. [gredonte {at} hotmail x com]. DN: Centro de Documentacion Buenos Aires (CDBA). MARTINEZ. 4000+ Refs, Maps, Videos, Audio. PC DN: Catastro Espeleologico de la Republica Argentina. PETTERSEN. 300+ Caves & related. PC. DN: Catastro Nacional de Cavidades Naturales (CNCN). REDONTE. Web: ARMENIA / ARMÉNIE - AM ON: Armenian Speleological Centre. Web: [speleo {at} armenius x com]. PD: GEVORGIAN Armen, Norc 3 massiv, dom.1, kv.19, 375056 Yerevan. PI: SHAHINYAN Samvel c/o ASC. DN: Armenian caves. GEVORGIAN. 2000 caves, maps, photos. Manual. AUSTRALIA / AUSTRALIE - AU ON: Australian Speleological Federation. Web: [asfinfo {at} caves x org x au] PI: ACKROYD Peter. [pjackroyd {at} ozisp x com x au] PI: BADDELEY Glenn. [gnbaddeley {at} pacific x net x au] PI: FINLAYSON Brian. [brianlf {at} unimelb x edu x au] PI: GRIFFITHS Glen, "The Church", Spring Terrace, via Milthorpe, NSW 2798. PI: HODGES David, Qld Dept of Environment & Heritage, McLeod St, Cairns, Qld 4870. PR: LAKE Mike. [mikel {at} speleonics x com x au] PI: MATTHEWS Peter. [matthews {at} melbpc x org x au] PR: METH Max, P.O. Box 622, 1 Morrison Ave, Ceduna, SA 5690. PI: MIDDLETON Greg. [ozspeleo {at} bigpond x net x au] PI: NOSS Gerhard. [gnoss {at} iprimus x com x au] PI: WIDT Matt, Qld National Parks & Wildlife Service. [matthew.widt {at} epa x qld x gov x au] DN: Australian Karst Index Database. LAKE. 6600 caves, 2400 maps, 900 refs. Web: DO: Nullarbor caves & karst features. METH. 1400. PC. AUSTRIA / AUTRICHE - AT ON: Verband Österreichischer Höhlenforscher. [info {at} hoehle x org] Web: OO: Karst- und Höhlenkundliche Abteilung, Naturhistorisches Museum. Web: [speleo.austria {at} netway x at Large emails: hoehle {at} nhm-wien x ac x at] OO: Fachsektion Karsthydrogeologie/VÖH. [speleo.austria {at} netway x at] OO: Eisriesenwelt Ges.m.b.H. Web: [info {at} eisriesenwelt x at] PI: HUBKA Walter, Franz Gruber Strasse 5, A-5020 Salzburg. PI: ILMING Heinz (Dr), Bahngasse 6/E/1/4, A-2345 Brunn am Gebirge. PR: PAVUZA Rudolf. [speleo.austria {at} netway x at] DN: SPELDOK-AUSTRIA. Karst- und Höhlenkundliche Abteilung: 18,000 refs, 8500 photos. 12,000 caves. Manual + PC. DO: SPELSED. PAVUZA. Cave sedimentology. 109. PC DO: SPELAQUA. PAVUZA. Cave waters (hydrochemistry). 991. PC. DO: SPELMET. PAVUZA. Cave meteorology. 681. PC. BELGIUM / BELGIQUE - BE ON: Union Belge de Spéléologie. Web: [administration {at} speleo x be] ON: Verbond van Vlaamse Speleologen (Flemish Speleo Federation of Belgium) Web: [info {at} speleovvs x be] PR: PAUWELS Michel, pl. de Sart 1, B-1490 Sart-Messire-Guillaume. PR: UYTTERHAEGEN Danielle. [caving.service {at} speleo x be] DN: UBSDOC/UBSCAV. Belgian caves & biblio. UYTTERHAEGEN. 2100 refs/1650 caves. Mac. DO: Belgian caves. van der HOOGT (Netherlands). 1200 caves. PC. BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / BOSNIE-HERZÉGOVINE - BA PI: MULAOMEROVIC Jasminko. [jasminko_mulaomerovic {at} hotmail x com] BRAZIL / BRÉSIL - BR ON: Sociedade Brasileira de Espeleologia. Web: [sbe {at} sbe x com x br] OO: Grupo Pierre Martin de Espeleologia, Av. Francisco Matarazzo 108-Ap.111, 05001 Sao Paulo. PD: HARDT Rubens. [rubens_hardt {at} yahoo x com x br] PR: CHRYSOSTOMO R, c/o GPME above. PI: LABEGALINI José Ayrton. [ja.labegalini {at} uol x com x br] PR: RODRIGUES R, c/o GPME above. PI: SIMÕES Washington. [wsimoes {at} divino x com x br] DN: National Register of the Caves of Brazil (CNC). SBE. 4400+ caves. DN: Indice Cadastral das Cavernas do Brasil. RODRIGUES & CHRYSOSTOMO. Computerised. BULGARIA / BULGARIE - BG ON: Fédération Bulgare de Spéléologie. Web: [bfs {at} nat x bg] PD: MANOV Alexander, Complex Krasno selo, Block 201A, Vhod "V", BG-1618 Sofia. PI: DOBRICHEV Mladen. [mdobrichev {at} yahoo x com] DN: GKP. DOBRICHEV. 5500 caves. Manual + PC. BURMA / BIRMANIE - MM (MYANMAR) DN: Was DUNKLEY (Australia). 60 caves. Mac. CANADA / CANADA - CA OO: Alberta Karst Institute, Box 8213, Canmore, Alberta T0L 0M0. PI: FORD Derek. [dford {at} mcmail x cis x mcmaster x ca] CHINA / CHINE - CN OO: Karst & Groundwater Division, Institute of Geology, Academia Sinica, P.O. Box 9825, 100029 Beijing. OO: Institute of Karst Geology. Web: PI: SHANG Xiang Chao, P.O. Box 417, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041. PI: TANG Bangxing (Prof), P.O. Box 417, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041. PR: ZHANG Shouyue. [zhangsy {at} igcas x igcas x ac x cn] PI: ZHU Xue Wen (Prof), c/o Institute of Karst Geology, Guilin, above. DN: Earth & hydrologic sciences. ZHANG. Manual. CROATIA / CROATIE - HR ON: Hrvatski speleoloski savez (Croatian Speleological Federation). Web: [speleo {at} speleo x hr] OO: Society for the Research, Surveying and Filming of Karst Phenomena, Alfireviceva 13, HRV-10000 Zagreb. (Local) PD: GARAŠIĆ Mladen. [mgarasic {at} grad x hr, mladen.garasic {at} zg x t-com x hr] PI: SUPICIC Zarko, Draskoviceva 27, 41000 Zagreb. DN: Database. GARASIC. 7500 caves, 6500 karst phenomena, 5000 ponors, 6700 dolines, speleogeology (13000 measures in caves), karst hydrogeology (15000 data of karst rivers on surface and underground), cave neotectonics (470 measurements in caves), 25000 references. PC, Mac, Unix. CUBA / CUBA - CU ON: Sociedad Espeleologica de Cuba. [sec {at} fanj x cult x cu] Web: CZECH REPUB. / TCHÉQUE RÉPUB. - CZ ON: Ceská Speleologická Spolecnost (Czech Speleological Society). Web: [sekretariat {at} speleo x cz] PD: HROMAS Jaroslav. [hromas {at} caves x cz] PR: CÍLEK Václav (RNDr), Trojmezní 63, 190 00 Praha 9. PI: PISKULA Michal. [piskula {at} icp-brno x cz] DN: CSS cave & pseudokarst register. CÍLEK. 100's caves. Manual + PC. DENMARK / DANEMARK - DK ON: Danish Speleological Society. Web: [redder {at} post6 x tele x dk] PD: AUB-ROBINSON Conrad, as above. FRANCE / FRANCE - FR ON: Fédération Française de Spéléologie. Web: [secretariat {at} ffspeleo x fr] ON: Commission documentation de la Fédération française de spéléologie (CoDoc). Web: PI: CHOPPY Jacques, 182 rue de Vaugirard, F-75015 Paris. PR: DARNOUX Agnes. [agnes.darnoux {at} ffspeleo x fr] PI: DELPRAT Bruno, 71 rue de Strasbourg, F-94300 Vincennes. PI: ELGUERO Eric, (see Mexico/Mexique). PI: MADELAINE Eric. [eric.madelaine {at} sophia x inria x fr] PI: METERY Luc. [113447,3224 {at} compuserve x com] PI: ÖZBEK Onur. [ozbekonur {at} yahoo x com] DO: World Caves Database (> 3km long, > 300m deep). MADELAINE. 2420+ caves, 89 countries. Unix/Web. Web: GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE - DE ON: Verband der deutschen Höhlen- und Karstforscher Bibliothek. Web: [b.w.vogel {at} gmx x de] OO: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Karstkunde Harz e.V., Postfach 5, D-99701 Sondershausen. OO: Höhlenforschergruppe Dresden, Bulgakowstrasse 34, D-01217 Dresden. PD: HOFFMAN Guido. [gho {at} spelis x de] PI: BRUST Michael, c/o AGKH above. PI: HAMMERSCHMIDT Elmar. [henne {at} gmd x de] PR: WINKELHÖFER Roland, c/o H-D above. DN: SPELIS (Speleo literature information system). HOFFMAN. 10 000 manual refs + 4000 computerised. PC. DO: SPELDOCSAX (private). WINKELHÖFER. 700 caves, 4000 refs. PC. DO: ZERKS evaporite karst (private). BRUST. 300 caves, 5000 photos, 5000 refs. PC. GREECE / GRÈCE - GR ON: Hellenic Speleological Society. [info {at} speleologicalsociety x gr] Web: ON: Hellenic Federation of Speleology. ? Web: [info {at} fhs x gr] PR: BASSIAKOS Yannis (Dr), Lab. of Archaeometry, NCRC "Demokritos", 15310 Ag. Paraskevi - Athènes. PI: CONTAXI Chryssanthi, Ministere de la Culture, Dept de Paleo-anthropologie & Speleologie, Christou Lada 2, 10561 Athènes. PI: KYRIAKOPOULOU Christina, 11 Mantzarou Str., 10672 Athènes. DN: Greek caves. BASSIAKOS. 7500 caves. Manual. HUNGARY / HONGRIE - HU ON: Magyar Karszt- és Barlangkutató Társulat (Hungarian Speleological Society). [mkbt {at} axelero x hu] Web: PD: SZÉKELY Kinga, Füst Milán u. 12, H-1039 Budapest. PR: BOLNER-TAKÁCS Katalin. [bolner.katalin {at} mail4 x ktm x hu] PR: TARDY János (Dr), Költþ Utca 21, H-1121 Budapest. PI: ZÁMBÓ László (Prof), Kun Béla ter 2, H-1083 Budapest. DN: Maps and library. MKBT. Manual. DN: Cave Cadaster. SZÉKELY. 1000 caves. Manual & computerised. ICELAND / ISLANDE - IS ON: Icelandic Speleological Society. [ssjo {at} isor x is] Web: PD: JONSSON Sigurdur, c/o ISS. DN: Icelandic Lava Caves. 180 caves. PC. INDONESIA / INDONÉSIE - ID ON: Himpunan Kegiatan Speleologi Indonesia (Federation of Indonesian Speleological Activities). Web: [speleoindo {at} indo x net x id or via web page] PD: KO Robby (Dr), c/o HKSI/FINSPAC above. [speleoindonesia {at} indo x net x id] PI: SALAHUDDIEN M. [dna3dc {at} ywcn x or x id] PI: YONGE Charles. [yonge {at} manado x wasantara x net x id] IRELAND / IRLANDE - IE Speleological Union of Ireland. Web [suisecretary {at} caving x ie] ISRAEL / ISRAëL - IL ON: Israel Cave Research Centre. Web: [msamos {at} mscc x huji x ac x il] PD: FRUMKIN Amos. [msamos {at} mscc x huji x ac x il] DN: Israel's caves. FRUMKIN. 2000 caves. Mac. ITALY / ITALIE - IT ON: Società Speleologica Italiana. Web [info {at} ssi x speleo x it] OO: Gruppo Grotte Schio - CAI, via A. Rossi, I-36015 Schio (VI). PD: FORTI Paolo. [paolo.forti {at} unibo x it] PR: BINI Alfredo. [alfredo.bini {at} unimi x it] PR: BURRI Ezio. [burri {at} univaq x it] PI: BUSELLATO Leonardo, c/o Gruppo Grotte Schio, Via Sette Comvini 9, I-36015 Schio. PR: FERRARI Graziano. [gferrari {at} etnoteam x it] PI: LANDI Alessandro. [100525.555 {at} compuserve x com] PR: MAROTTA Carmine. [marottac {at} iol x it] PI: SAURO Ugo. [ugo.sauro {at} unipd x it] DN: Catasto Nazionale delle Grotte d'Italia. SSI. 30 000 records. [catasto.grotte {at} ssi x speleo x it] Web: DN: Centro Italiano di Documentazione Speleologica Franco Anelli. Web: [cids {at} ssi x speleo x it] DN: Easyconf - Biblio. FORTI. 15,000 records. PC. DN: Italian cave bibliography. BURRI. Apple. DN: Catasto. BINI. 20,000 caves. PC. DO: Catasto Grotte e Aree Carsiche Basilicata. MAROTTA. Web: JAMAICA / JAMAïQUE - JM ON: Jamaican Caves Organisation. Web: [admin {at} jamaicancaves x org] PI: FINCHAM Alan. [agfincham {at} googlemail x com] DN: Jamaica Underground. FINCHAM. 1200 caves. Mac. DN: The Jamaican Cave Register. Web: JAPAN / JAPON - JP ON: SSJ - Speleological Society of Japan. [info {at} speleology x jp] Web: OO: Dept. of Geology, Faculty of General Education, Ehime University, 3 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama, Ehime 790. PD: KASHIMA Naruhiko. [kashima {at} agr x ehime-u x ac x jp] PR: ISHIKAWA Norihiko. [snow {at} asahi x email x ne x jp] KOREA (REPUBLIC OF) / CORÉE (RÉPUBLIQUE DE)- KR OO: KSCES - Korean Society of Cave Environmental Sciences. [wooks {at} cc x kangwon x ac x kr] LEBANON / LIBAN - LB ON: Lebanese National Commission of Speleology. OO: ALES - Association Libanaise d'Etudes Spéléologiques. Web: [ales {at} alesliban x org] OO: GERSL - Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches Souterraines du Liban. [almaroun {at} sodetel x net x lb] OO: SCL - Spéléo-Club du Liban. Web: [info {at} speleoliban x org] PD: MAJDALANI Michel, P.O. Box 70492, Antelias. PR: KARKABI Sami, B.P. 70-811, Antelias. DN: KARKABI & MAJDALANI. Being computerised (1989). LITHUANIA / LITUANIE - LT ON: Speleo-Info-Centras "KARSA". Web: [erikas {at} laiconas x lt] PD: LAICONAS Erikas, [erikas {at} laiconas x lt] LUXEMBOURG / LUXEMBOURG - LU ON: Groupe Spéléologique Luxembourgeois. Web: [info {at} speleo x lu] PD: BOES Claude, [claude.boes {at} bigfoot x com] PI: SCHINTGEN Guy, [guyschin {at} pt x lu] PR: THIES Jean-Claude, [jcthies {at} pt x lu] DN: LU Cave Register. THIES. FilemakerPro. Mac + PC. MACEDONIA (REPUBLIC) / MACÉDOINE (RÉPUBLIQUE) - MK ON: Macedonian Speleological Federation. Web: [speleomacedonia {at} yahoo x com] MALAYSIA / MALAISIE - MY ON: Malaysian Karst Society. [karstsoc {at} streamyx x com] Web: [karstsoc {at} streamyx x com] PD: KAMARUDIN Hymeir. [hymeir {at} gmail x com] MAURITIUS / MAURICE - MU PI: MIDDLETON Greg (See Australia). DN: Mauritius Cave Database. MIDDLETON. 50+. Mac. MEXICO / MEXIQUE - MX ON: Unión Mexicana de Asociaciones Espeleológicas A.C. [umae {at} yahoo x com] Web: ON: SMES - Sociedad Mexicana de Exploraciones. Web: [smes {at} espeleo x info] PI: ELGUERO Eric. [elguero {at} cideson x mx] MONGOLIA / MONGOLIE - MN OO: Mongolian Cave Research Association. [e_avirmed {at} yahoo x com] NAMIBIA / NAMIBIE - NA OO: National Museum of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia. Tel: +264 61 293 4305 Web: ? PI: MARAIS Eugene. [eugene {at} natmus x cul x na, insects {at} natmus x cul x na] DN: Namibian Cave Register. Web: NETHERLANDS / PAYS-BAS - NL ON: Speleo Nederland. Web: [bestuur {at} speleo x nl] PR: ORBONS Joep. [jorbons {at} xs4all x nl] PI: van der PAS Jan Paul. [jpgvanderpas {at} hetnet x nl] PI: de SWART Herman. [hermandeswart {at} casema x nl] PI: van den BERGE Wietske. [marco_wietske {at} hotmail x com] DO: Artificial subterranean cavities. ORBONS. NEW ZEALAND /NOUVELLE-ZÉLANDE - NZ ON: New Zealand Speleological Society. [nzss-secretary {at} caves x org x nz] Web: OO: Wellington Caving Group. [wcg-secretary {at} caving x wellington x net x nz] Web: PD: FRASER Don. [don {at} clear x net x nz] PI: CROSSLEY Peter. [p.crossley {at} auckland x ac x nz] PI: KERMODE Les, 8 Levant Place, Half Moon Bay, Auckland. DN: NZ Karst Index. FRASER. Refs to NZ caves. PC. NORWAY / NORVÈGE - NO ON: Norsk Grotteförbund. [ngf {at} speleo x no] Web: PD: LAURITZEN Stein-Erik. [stein.lauritzen {at} geo x uib x no] PI: SCHROEDER Iain, Thorrudgt. 9, N-3031 Drammen. PI: KARLSEN Kjetil. [kk {at} computas x no] DN: Norwegian Cave Catalogue & Bibliography. St PIERRE (UK) 3000 refs. Manual + PC. PHILIPPINES / PHILIPPINES - PH ON: Philippine Speleological Society. [admin {at} pss x org x ph] Web: OO: Gaia Exploration Club (GEC). [gaiaexplorationclub {at} gmail x com] OO: Philippines Cave Guides Association (PCGA). [pcga {at} pss x org x ph] OO: Speleo Mindanao. [speleo.mindanao {at} pss x org x ph] PI: CABANGON Alek. [ancabangon {at} gmail x com] PI: CARDENAS Bayani. [bayani_c {at} hotmail x com] PI: DIA Mark. [gecsubterra1 {at} gmail x com] PI: MENDOZA Mary Ann. c/o GEC. DN: "Philippine Cave Index & Bibliography", Smart,J 1994. Edited by A. Oldham. Book. 200+ caves plus refs. POLAND / POLOGNE - PL ON: Komisja Taternictwa Jaskiniowego Polskiego Związku Alpinizmu. [biuro {at} pza x org x pl] Web: PI: ZWOLINSKI Zbigniew [zbzw {at} amu x edu x pl] PI: RACHLEWICZ Grzegorz. [grzera {at} amu x edu x pl] PORTUGAL / PORTUGAL - PT ON: Sociedade Portuguesa de Espeleologia. [spe {at} spe x pt] Web: PD: CORDEIRO Orlando C. (Dr), Rua Candido Oliveiro 23, San Pedro da Trafaria, P-2825 Mte Caparica PR: BOTELHO Maria Joao, Parque Natural das Serras e Candeeiros, Jardim Municipal, P-2040 Rio Maior. PUERTO RICO / PORTO RICO - PR ON: FEPUR - Federación Espeleológica de Puerto Rico. Web: [info {at} cuevaspr x org] DN: St PIERRE (UK). Caves 50, Bibliography 600. Manual + PC. ROMANIA / ROUMANIE - RO ON: Federatia Română de Speologie. Web: [calin.voda {at} crim x ro, bucuresti {at} frspeo x ro] OO: Institute of Speleology "Emil Racovita". [siepure {at} hasdeu x ubbcluj x ro] Web: OO: SPEOWEST ARAD. [speowest {at} yahoo x com] PD: GORAN Cristian. [goran_iser {at} yahoo x com] PI: BLEAHU Marcian (Dr), Str. Maria Rosetti 51, R-70234 Bucuresti. PR: BOTEZ Mihai. [speo {at} mail x soroscj x ro] PR: GIURGIU Ica V. [muntiicarpati {at} rdslink x ro] PI: GLIGAN Mihai. [frspeo {at} bioge x ubbcluj x ro, mgligan {at} email x ro] PR: SAS Lucian. [lucis {at} czear x sorostm x ro] DN: Romania's Karst. GORAN. 12,000 caves + bibliography, areas. Manual & computerised. DO: Survey & classifications. GIURGIU. 5000-35000. Manual + computerised. DO: Protected caves. GLIGAN. 80 caves. PC. RUSSIA / RUSSIE - RU OO: Association of Urals Speleologists, 78a Karl Marx Str, 614007 Perm. OO: Institute of Karstology & Speleology, 15 Bukireva St, 614600 Perm. PI: DUBLYANSKY Yuri. [dublyan {at} uiggm x nsc x ru] PI: FAINBURG Grigori. [mv {at} admin x cclearn x perm x su] PI: KORSHUNOV Victor, Tikhvinsky pereulok str. 10/12-4-86, 103055 Moscow. PR: LAVROV Igor. [karst {at} permonline x ru] PI: MAVLYUDOV Bulat. [bulatrm {at} bk x ru, bulatm {at} male x ru] PI: SIGALOV Grigori. [sigalov {at} icp x ac x ru, dubrovsk {at} barrier x mipt x ru, sigalov {at} chat x ru] SLOVAKIA / SLOVAQUIE - SK ON: SSJ - Správa slovenských jaskýň. Slovak Caves Administration. Web: http:// [caves {at} ssj x sk] ON: Slovenská speleologická spoločnosť. Slovak Speleological Society. Web: [speleo {at} ssj x sk] PI: GAŽÍK Peter. [gazik {at} ssj x sk] SLOVENIA / SLOVÈNIE - SI ON: Jamarska Zveza Slovenije (Speleological Association of Slovenia). [predsedstvo {at} jamarska-zveza x si] Web: OO: Institut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU. [izrk {at} zrc-sazu x si] Web: PR: KRANJC Maja. [maja {at} zrc-sazu x si] DN: Karstological Data Bank. KRANJC+JZS. 8000 caves, 20,000 refs. Manual + PC. SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD - ZA ON: South African Spelaeological Association (Cape Section). [sacraven {at} mweb x co x za] ON: CROSA - The Cave Research Organisation of South Africa. [mikebuchanan {at} mweb x co x za] PI: BUCHANAN Mike. [mikebuchanan {at} mweb x co x za] PI: CRAVEN Steve. [sacraven {at} mweb x co x za] PR: PENNEY Andrew, c/o SASA above. [ajpenney {at} sfri x sfri x ac x za] PR: Reserve Manager, De Hoop Nature Reserve, Private Bag X16, SA-7280 Bredasdorp. SPAIN / ESPAGNE - ES ON: Federación Española de Espeleología. Web: [fedespeleo {at} fedespeleo x com] OO: Grupo Espeleologico Rondeño, Apartado de correos 333, E-29400 RONDA (Málaga). PI: AGUILERA Jose. [jaguilera {at} jet x es] PI: MARTÍNEZ BUEY Rubén. [gandhalf {at} lettera x skios x es] PR: SALANOVA José Luis Castro. [salanova {at} isid x es] PI: SANCHEZ CORRAL Pedro, Pbd Barreiro C-1,1.D/As, E-15320 La Coruna. SWEDEN / SUÈDE - SE ON: Sveriges Speleolog-Förbund. [info {at} speleo x se] Web: PD: LINDÉN Anders. [ahl {at} sgu x se] PI: ANDREASON Tomas. [ebctmas {at} ebc x ericsson x se] PI: KRAFFT Christopher. [christopher.krafft {at} temo x se] PI: LIND Mats. [lind.mats {at} telia x com] DN: Swedish caves. LINDÉN. 2000 caves. Refs. PC. SWITZERLAND / SUISSE - CH ON: Société Suisse de Spéléologie. Web: [SSS-SGH {at} speleo x ch] PI: GLUTZ Ruedi. [glutz {at} arch x ethz x ch] PR: GOY Philippe. [philippe.goy {at} bluewin x ch] PR: HÄUSELMANN Philipp. [praezis {at} speleo x ch] PI: HELLER Martin. [heller {at} geo x unizh x ch] PR: NEUMANN Andreas. [a.neumann {at} carto x net] DN: Swiss caves. 8000 caves. Mac. THAILAND / THAÏLANDE - TH PI: ELLIS Martin (UK). via Web form: DN: Caves and Caving in Thailand. Web: DO: Was DUNKLEY (Australia). 1400 caves. Mac. TURKEY / TURQUIE - TR ON: Mağara Araştirma Derneği (Cave Research Association). Web: [mad {at} mad x org x tr] ON: Türkiye Mağaracilar Birliği (Turkish Cavers Union). Web: [gs {at} tumab x org, dokkom {at} tumab x org] OO: Mağara Dalişi ve Araştirmalari Grubu (madag) (Cave Diving and Research Group). [serdar.hamarat {at} karel x com x tr] Web: PI: ÖZBEK Onur. [ozbekonur {at} yahoo x com] PR: TÜRE Kemal Gökhan. [nekton {at} superonline x com] DN: Speleo Inventory of Turkey (SIT). ÖZBEK. 850 caves. Manual + Mac. DO: Sea & Submarine Caves Inventory of Turkish Coast (DEMAP). TÜRE/madag. Locations, maps, salinity, pH, temperature vs variations; formations; marine life, etc. Text. PC. UKRAINE / UKRAINE - UA ON: Ukrainian Speleological Association. Web OO: Ukrainian Institute of Speleology and Karstology. Web: [institute {at} speleoukraine x net] OO: Karst-Speleological Dept, Institute of Geological Sciences, 55-B Chkalov St, UKR-252054 Kiev-54. DN: Cadaster of Large Caves of the CIS. Was KLIMCHOUK. 600 caves. Manual. UNITED KINGDOM / ROYAUME-UNI - GB ON: BCA - British Caving Association. [secretary {at} british-caving x org x uk] Web: ON: BCRA - British Cave Research Association. Web: [bcra-enquiries {at} bcra x org x uk] OO: William Pengelly Cave Studies Trust. Web: [hape {at} waitrose x com] PD: PRICE Graham. [graham.price {at} ukonline x co x uk]. PI: CHECKLEY Dave. [david.checkley {at} alderley x zenica x com] PI: GUNN John. [j.gunn {at} hud x ac x uk] PR: HARDWICK Paul. PI: IRWIN Dave, Townsend Cottage, Priddy, Wells, Somerset BA5 3BP, England. PR: MANSFIELD Ray. [woodward {at} beeb x net] PI: MAXWELL W, 12 Heybridge Drive, Barkingside, Ilford, Essex IG6 1PE, England. PI: OLDHAM Tony. [tonyfoldham {at} hotmail x com] PI: St PIERRE David. [david.stpierre {at} homecall x co x uk] PI: WALTERS Richard. [roo_walters {at} csi x com] PI: WILCOCK John. [jdwaw {at} dellmail x com] PI: WHITAKER Terry. [t.whitaker {at} bcra x org x uk] DN: National Cave Registry. [registry {at} british-caving x org x uk] Web: or: Web: DN: British caves. HARDWICK. 3200 caves. PC. DN: British caves GIS. HARDWICK. 250 caves in 1993. PC. UNITED STATES / ÉTATS-UNIS - US ON: National Speleological Society. Web: [nss {at} caves x org] OO: National Cave and Karst Research Institute. Web: [info {at} nckri x org] OO: Cave Research Foundation. Web: [kambesis {at} bigfoot x com] OO: Alabama Cave Survey. Web: OO: Texas Speleological Survey. [ronralph {at} austin x rr x com] Web: OO: Virginia Speleological Survey. Web: [vssinfo {at} virginiacaves x org] OO: West Virginia Speleological Survey. Web: [bal4karst {at} hotmail x com] PD: WHEELAND Keith. [kwheeland {at} psualum x com] PR: BALFOUR Bill. [bal4karst {at} hotmail x com] PR: BLASE Brad. [blase {at} virginiacaves x org] PR: DEVEREAU Bill. [deverauxw {at} yahoo x com] PR: ELLIOTT Bill (Dr). [bill.elliott {at} mdc x mo x gov] PI: FRANTZ Peri. [peri {at} frantzfamily x us] PI: GANTER John. [jg {at} darkfrontier x us] PR: HALL Jim. [jimehall2 {at} cs x com] PR: LUCAS Phil. [lucas {at} virginiacaves x org] PR: McGILL Greg. [gmcgill {at} bcbsal x org] PR: MEDVILLE Hazel. [hazelmedville {at} verizon x net] PI: VENI George. [gveniassociates {at}] PI: YOCUM Mike, [myocum {at} mis x net] DN: NSS Cave Files. Was BLENZ. Manual. DO: Alabama Cave Survey. HALL. 4000 caves. IBM Mainframe. DO: Virginia Speleological Survey. BLASE. 2900 caves. Mac. DO: West Virginia Speleological Survey. BALFOUR. 3100 caves, 1000 surveys. PC. DO: Lava cave inventory. DEVEREAU. VENEZUELA / VENEZUELA - VE ON: SVE - Sociedad Venezolana de Espeleologia. [rafaelcarreno2004 {at} yahoo x es, svespeleo {at} cantv x net] PD: CARREÑO Rafael. [rafaelcarreno2004 {at} yahoo x es, svespeleo {at} cantv x net] PI: URBANI Franco (Dr). [urbani {at} cantv x net] DN: Caves of Venezuela. CARREÑO. 450 caves. PC. VIET NAM / VIET NAM - VN OO: Karst Research Centre, Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (RIGMR), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE). [trantv {at} hn x vnn x vn] PI: TRAN Tan Van [trantv {at} hn x vnn x vn]
Just some cursory updates at this stage... We are looking for a volunteer
to do a real update.
Link to Australian Karst Index.
UIS link to country organisations..
Removed Glazek (deceased 2009), added Zwolinski for Poland.
Garašič email address.
Major update. Web pages and email addresses have been added where known. Postal addresses have been removed where
web or email addresses are available. Please email the editor if you know of any updates either to your own
or to other addresses, especially missing or out-of-date email addresses.
Karlsen (Norway); Grupo Espeleologico Argentino.
Initial release. Corresponded to Edition 2 of the paper version.
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